25 A Volgina St, Belgrade, Serbia, Tel./Fax: +381 11 32 93 220; +381 11 32 90 264; Working hours: 08 - 20 h Saturdays 08 - 15 h
Surgery of the orbit
Surgery of the orbit (fractures of the bones of the orbit and surrounding region, tumors of the orbit and surrounding region, hereditary and traumatic deformities of the orbit and the surrounding region, thyroid ophthalmopathy - protruding eyes, eyelid deformites and defects, diseases and disorders of the tear aparatus) belongs to no particular surgical specialty, so such interventions are performed rarely and with insufficient expertise. Not even developed contries have experience in this kind of procedure. Complete orbital surgery services are seldom offered at the same institution. Orbital surgery is usually referred to as ’no man’s land’. As this surgical discipline is not yet mastered or not sufficiently mastered, a number of people may remain disabled for life, with seriously impaired vision or loss of vision. Eminent scientist and consultant, Prof Dr Radmilo Roncevic conducts complete orbital surgery interventions in our hospital. His experiences and results have been presented in numerous international congresses and published in leading international scientific journals. He has also presented them in a number of world-famous centres as a visiting professor or an invited guest lecturer. Visit the web presentation of Dr Roncevic at Orbital Surgery Services