Metabolic Therapy

In specific cases of eye diseases, especially at children and people with inborn or gained cerebral diseases and syndromes, where those diseases are the cause of the eye disease, we treat the patients with metabolic therapy as a supplement to the standard ophthalmologic therapy in our hospital.
This therapy is performed by the doctors from Moscow according to the methodology of the famous center for metabolic therapy “Primavera”, from Moscow.

What is metabolic therapy – views of the Russian center “Primavera”

In the Specialist Ophthalmology Hospital Revida, as well as in several European clinics, the so-called metabolic therapy is implemented. Its application successfully resolves numerous health problems and eliminates the consequences of diseases that used to be considered incurable. After a number of failing attempts to improve the health of their children around the world, many parents have found rescue in Revida. We do not deal in magic or witchcraft. We simply apply a scientific method of treatment that was founded and upgraded through decades of scientific work by Russian medical experts.

The Moscow Medical Centre supports this project. This multi-purpose centre of contemporary medicine has been in operation since 1993. Its singularity in the medical science and practice is the achievement of maximum efficiency in the implementation of the therapy based on scientifically verified metabolites. It is the tradition of the clinic in Moscow to study and treat diseases considered to be with no prospects and patients regarded as hopeless cases where classical medicine either provides no treatment at all or offers inefficient therapy. So, the Moscow Medical Centre offers metabolic therapy as an optional method with maximum treatment efficiency for various pathologies.

Human organism is exquisitely balanced system consisting of millions of metabolic processes. The matter exchange reactions are mutually interactive, which is based on the self-regulation mechanism. It is apparent that a disorder or a defect of any one of those reactions may cause a disease. It is also apparent that the treatment of such a disease requires action focused directly on the impaired metabolic link. Such action is best achieved through implementation of metabolic products of the natural origin. Therefore all of the products are harmless, causing no complications and side effects. Given the fact that metabolic therapy means precise pathogenetic action aimed at the impaired link of the functional biochemical system, its implementation does not entail long waiting for the results of the treatment to occur.

In the past ten years, over 90,000 patients with diverse illnesses have sought help in several European clinics belonging to the Moscov Medical Centre. All those subjected to the metabolic therapy, prescribed and in dosages strictly determined by the experts from the Centre, soon experienced improvement of their conditions, while in majority of the ’hopeless’ patients the consistent administration of therapy led to complete disappearance of the symptoms of their diseases. The Moscow Medical Centre has developed a widespread network of metabolic therapy implementation all over Russia and in several European countries. All the services on offer in the Moscow headquarters are also available in Revida Hospital. Complete diagnostics and therapy prescription is conducted by Russian professors of medicine.

Metabolic products of the Moscow Medical Centre belong to the group of BAS (biologically active supplements). They are produced and tested according to the regulations of the Russian Federation and registered in the Federal Registry of BASs of the Health Ministry of the Russian Federation. The Moscow Medical Centre produces 27 patented metabolic products. Each of them has its own unique significance and application in elimination of a certain disease symptom. In medical practice however, whole symptom complexes are most common. That is why specific treatment schemes need to be applied, including a number of products.

Metabolic therapy indications

Neurology and Psychoneurology in Children:
  • Prenatal impairment of the central nervous system and its consequences
  • Minimal brain dysfunction
  • Children’s cerebral palsy
  • Consequences of neuroinfections (meningoencephalitis, poliomielitis, post-vaccination...)
  • Consequences of the brain trauma and head bone trauma
  • Oligophrenia
  • Delayed or slow development of psyche and speech
  • Attention deficiency/Hyperactivity syndrome
  • Autism
  • ’School problems’
  • Epylepsy

Genetic diseases

Chromosome diseases:

  • Klinefelter syndrome
  • Turner’s syndrome
  • Down syndrome
  • Trisomy 8
  • Trisomy 9
  • Cri-du-chat (cat cry) syndrome
  • Syndromes caused by alterations in number and structure of chromosomes
Monogenic syndromes:

  • Noonan syndrome
  • Coffin-Lowry syndrome
  • Coffin-Siris syndrome
  • Cohen syndrome
  • Dubowitch syndrome
  • Marden-Walker syndrome
  • Seckel syndrome
  • Hereditary and non-hereditary syndromes followed by the delayed psychomotor, speech and physical development
  • De Lange syndrome
  • Sotos syndrome
  • Rett syndrome
  • Prader-Willi syndrome
  • Williams syndrome
Monogenic hereditary diseases of the central nervous system:

  • Nilson-Konovalov disease
  • Huntington chorea
  • Bolest Halervorden-Špatca
  • Hereditary spinocerebral degenerations (hereditary ataxias)
  • Friedrich’s disease
  • Spastic ataxia
  • Olivopontocerebral atrophy
  • Louis-Bar syndrome
  • Hereditary spastic paraplegias
Hereditary spastic paraplegias

  • Phenylketonuria
Hereditary diseases of the nervous and muscular systems:

  • Hereditary structural myopathies and dystrophies
  • Progressive muscular dystrophies (Duchenne MD, Becker MD, Emery-Dreifuss MD, Landuzi-Džerin MD)
  • Spinal muscle atrophies (spinal amiotrophies such as Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, Kugelberg-Welander disease, etc.)
  • Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies (polyneuropathy, Roussy-Levydisease, natural amyotrophy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease etc.)

Mitochondrial diseases

Neurology in Adults:

  • Consequences of insult
  • Consequences of sclerosis (and other degenerative diseases of the nervous system)
  • Epilepsy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • BAS-syndrome
  • Neuralgias
  • Neuritis
  • Radical diseases (osteochondrosis)
  • Migraine
  • Polyneuropathy
  • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
  • Vegetovascular dystonia
  • Neurosis
  • Benign tumors of the nervous system

  • Uterine myoma
  • Endometriosis
How is the therapy implemented?

Metabolic therapy entails outpatient treatment programme. This means that patients pay periodical visits (once in 5 to 7 days) to their doctor for examinations and adjustments in administration of the therapy in treating their conditions since changes in patients’ health affected by the metabolic therapy occur very fast.

One course of administration of therapy may vary in different diseases from 10 to 12 days (for example, haemorrhoid treatment) to 56 to 60 days (treatment of children’s cerebral palsy or delayed development of psyche and speech), or it may take 85 to 115 days (treatment of uterine myoma).

A large number of diseases require only one course of treatment. However, in cases of children’s cerebral palsy and delayed development of psyche and speech, depending on the form and the degree of severity of the disease, 3 to 4 courses of treatment are implemented, whereas the most serious cases demand as many as 5 to 7 courses. In such cases, breaks lasting 2 to 2.5 months between two courses of treatment must be made. Some conditions, such as degenerative diseases of the nervous system, require 2 to 3 courses of treatment a year.

In the process of treating diseases, all the necessary examinations and tests are performed for the sake of diagnostics and objective control of the treatment. Revida Hospital is equipped with up-to-date ultrasound, ophthalmology and gynaecology apparatus and equipment. Psychophisiological examinations, encephalography and all the laboratory, clinical, biochemical and immunological blood tests are conducted here.

Patients who have acquired new motor capabilities with metabolic therapy are allowed to master those capabilities through implementation of all the required modern rehabilitation methods.

Scientific Research of the Moscow Medical Centre:

In accordance with the general agreement of collaboration between the Medical Centre and the Institute for Healthcare of the City of Moscow, during 1996 and 1997 the efficiency of metabolic therapy in newborns with various levels of impairment and variously manifested symptoms of perinatal disorder of the central nervous system was examined. It was proven that implementation of metabolic therapy led to quick normalisation of newborns’ reflexes as well as other neurological symptoms, including sucking reflex enhancement, which is particularly significant for preterm and immature infants. Besides, it was determined that quick feedback development of the brain hypertension syndrome and nervous-reflex sensitivity occurred. Studies of catamneses revealed that children who had received metabolic therapy demonstrated better development during their first year of life. The result of this collaboration was informative instruction manual of the Institute for Healthcare of the City of Moscow published and sent out to head physicians in children’s hospitals, specialists in neonatology and paediatrics, entitled Experiences in Metabolic Therapy Implementation in Complex Treatment of Perinatal Central Nervous System Disorders.

In 2001 the Executive Committee of the Pediatrician Association of Russia recommended the usage of the manual Metabolic Therapy in Peadiatrics as a methodology guideline for pediatricians.

In 2003 the Institute for Healthcare of the City of Moscow acknowledged Methodology Instructions for the Application of Products of Metabolic Therapy in Treatment of Prenatal Impairment of CNS and Children’s Cerebral Palsy.© 2009

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